If you recently purchased a Bare Metal Hosting plan, you may find yourself wondering how to move your existing data to the new server environment. While you could use FTP or other file transfer methods to manually move the data over yourself, you may find the process to be too time-consuming or difficult to complete. In that case, you will likely want to purchase a Website Transfer Request or hire our Managed Hosting team to handle the transfer of your data. In this guide, we will explore the options available for transferring your data to your Bare Metal account.
If you’re still deciding whether bare metal hosting is the right choice for you or if you’re new and trying to understand bare metal, read more about what bare metal hosting is.
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Get seamless hosting with InMotion Hosting, your trusted Bare Metal Provider. Effortlessly deploy and migrate with ease.
Website Transfer Request
Unlike our other hosting plans, Bare Metal Hosting does not come with a free website transfer request. As such, you will need to purchase one from your Account Management Panel. After submitting your request, our Website Transfer team will access your previous hosting account and transfer the requested website data to the Bare Metal Hosting server and provide a best-effort attempt to ensure that your websites remain online and functional after the transfer. The goal of this service is to provide a seamless transition between servers with zero downtime.
Managed Hosting Team
While most of our VPS and Dedicated Hosting plans include the Launch Assist package that provides pre-paid consultation time with our Managed Hosting team, the Bare Metal hosting plan does not. The good news is that you can still purchase additional time to consult with the Managed Hosting team and enlist their services in moving your data from your previous hosting provider to your Bare Metal Hosting server. Our Managed Hosting team has extensive experience in web hosting technologies and system administration tasks, allowing them to provide a high-quality and comprehensive service. This option is better for users looking to transfer a large amount of data and set up more complex server configurations on the Bare Metal Hosting platform.
Our teams are happy to offer support for a seamless migration of your website to a bare metal server. If you’re currently in the process of evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of bare metal hosting, our sales team is here to provide assistance and answer any questions you may have.